Thursday, March 17, 2011

Van De Graaff #1

This is one of the projects that i have recently started. It is a Van De Graaff. A Van De Graaff is a static electricity generator. I have acquired an old tread mill that has a 1.8 hp engine in it. There is a picture of it below. The old control circuit board was fried so I tried "hot wiring" it. This worked partially but I had to continuously tap two wires together. I have recently wired it up to a variable transformer from the mains that goes up to 12 volts but that only makes the engine crawl along. I tried putting it through a step up transformer but i could not figure out how to wire it.
The Engine
 Hopefully in the end I will be able to make a good spark. This is can be dangerous if used correctly but it can be a tad dangerous and whole lot of fun.  
Pre-apart taking

I think it used to be for a car

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