Monday, March 14, 2011


 This is another one of those "someone i know" blogs. Before "my acquaintance" had acquired some fireworks he created some works of fire. These works of fire have ranged from balloons filled with some flammable gasses to sparkler and some expanding gassed in a cone to create a fountain. With the balloons the "person i know" had a dozen balloons strapped to a string, strung to a pole with a sparkler on the bottom most. I have uploaded a time lapse picture of them exploding .

Not to go on about fireworks but at one the parties hosted by "my friend" he set off a little bottle rocket type firework. It squealed up but off course and ended up exploding about a foot above "my friend’s" friend's head.

This was but one of the many occasions when explosives have been  dangerous and fun.

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