Thursday, March 31, 2011


Oh My God!!!!!

This blog will be about induction. Induction is when the large electrical field coming off a high voltage transmission or power line can be accessed. If you were to hold up a fluorescent tube near a power line it would start to glow. We discovered that if you held it on its side it would not glow and if it became damp it would discontinue glowing. This was a problem because when we were inducting it was quite cold and we had to continuously dry them with a rag. We also found that they would interfere with each other when held close together. This was probably because they were taking too much energy from the small area and could not get both of them to go. To the left is a photo of me and a glowing tube. Below there are two photos that were long exposures of the tubes.There is also a picture of the three held in one spot. this is not really dangerous but it is certainly fun.
Long Exposure
Long Exposure
The Three Of Them

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Van De Graaff #1

This is one of the projects that i have recently started. It is a Van De Graaff. A Van De Graaff is a static electricity generator. I have acquired an old tread mill that has a 1.8 hp engine in it. There is a picture of it below. The old control circuit board was fried so I tried "hot wiring" it. This worked partially but I had to continuously tap two wires together. I have recently wired it up to a variable transformer from the mains that goes up to 12 volts but that only makes the engine crawl along. I tried putting it through a step up transformer but i could not figure out how to wire it.
The Engine
 Hopefully in the end I will be able to make a good spark. This is can be dangerous if used correctly but it can be a tad dangerous and whole lot of fun.  
Pre-apart taking

I think it used to be for a car

Monday, March 14, 2011


 This is another one of those "someone i know" blogs. Before "my acquaintance" had acquired some fireworks he created some works of fire. These works of fire have ranged from balloons filled with some flammable gasses to sparkler and some expanding gassed in a cone to create a fountain. With the balloons the "person i know" had a dozen balloons strapped to a string, strung to a pole with a sparkler on the bottom most. I have uploaded a time lapse picture of them exploding .

Not to go on about fireworks but at one the parties hosted by "my friend" he set off a little bottle rocket type firework. It squealed up but off course and ended up exploding about a foot above "my friend’s" friend's head.

This was but one of the many occasions when explosives have been  dangerous and fun.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Power Kites

This week I'll talk about my power kites. We (my dad and I) have a number of them, ranging from a small 3m square to the big one, a kite surfing kite, at over 14m square. The bigger ones are more than enough to lift you off the ground even in a small breath of a wind. Here are a couple of pictures of me at the beach with one of the larger kites, strapped in with a half harness.
Ninja Kick!!!

I have crashed a few times though, like on my 12th birthday I was using the kite surfing kite at an oval that, When I got the kite into the air I noticed that I was shielded from the wind until I got the kite up but it was too late and I was ripped off my feet and came down very hard.

Power kites are not directly dangerous but if used correctly can be slightly dangerous and quite fun.