Thursday, February 24, 2011


A few years ago "someone i know" went around Australia. "their" dad had timed their arrival in Darwin perfectly with Territory Day. Territory Day is a holiday in Darwin that legalises fireworks for one fun filled day. "They" purchased a number of sets that were 1X0.5 m large and filled with explosive fun (amounting to around $1000) that night "they" thought everyone that lived in Darwin was on the beach, running around like headless chickens. for around an hour "they" set off as many fireworks as we could, even though at the end "they" still had enough to take home.

At home "they" use them sparingly because they were expensive and "they" are not likely to ever get any more. Here are some pictures of the "someone I know" enjoying one of the loud ones. These things can be dangerous but if you do it safely it can be Dangerous and Fun.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My First Blog: High Voltage Jacobs Ladder

Hey everybody, for my first blog I will tell you about my High Voltage Jacobs Ladder. I will upload some photos of it in a few days but at the moment i will just tell you about it. I used two microwave oven transformers that, when powered up have a high voltage output of 4KV which is 4000 Volts or over 15 times the voltage of our houses. The immense voltage ionises the air and creates a path of low resistance through the air that allows the power to jump to the earthed wires. I got the two microwaves from my local tip and with them there were a few other bits and pieces like an AC motor that when the drive is moved it makes a decent amount of power that shocks you... I found this out the hard way.In total I have blown 4 fuses,the cost of these fuses amounts to more than the worth of the rig. This high voltage is more than enough to kill you but if you do it safely it can be dangerous and fun.
Through the welding mask
A great sign
I made it remote control :)

The ladder